

Start the orientation: Start the orientation to get card-swipe access.

MOL Orientation Document: The orientation document you received (or will receive) when you come in for a scheduled orientation.


View our staffed open hours (when you can visit without having card swipe access)

View our reservations calendar (when classes and other events will be using the space)

reservation and use policy

You may reserve either the whole space or half the space by emailing

Others are welcome to use the space during reserved times, as long as they do not disturb the class or event with the reservation. For instance, picking up a 3D print or starting a new print would be ok, but running a power tool would not be ok. Having a small study group would be ok, but having a social event would not be ok (email Jason if you want to reserve the space for an event!) Use your best judgment and if in doubt, email Jason.

tools & tutorials

List of tools in the MOL: See all available tools and machines in the MOL, view their restrictions and important information, and find any available tutorials.

Tutorial Examples
